Radiology Tech Stack
In January of 2018 I started a new job with the Department of Radiology in the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine and Public Health. Phew, that was a mouthful. From here on out, I’ll just refer to it as “Radiology.”
Our department is dual-purpose. We support both academic research in the School of Medicine and we build and support clinical applications that are used every day by doctors and staff in the UW Hospital and Clinics. We’re a pretty small team. Our core team is just five people - four developers and me, the dev/ops engineer guy. We also work closely with our media team for graphics work, content updates, and some design/front-end work. We also work with the Server Team at UW Health for our infrastructure needs.
So, what does the tech stack for a unique group like ours? I could just go ahead and list a bunch of tools without explaining how we use them - but my guess is you’re here to see how and why we use certain tools. It’s easy enough to head to a website like stackshare and have a bunch of technologies thrown at you without any indication of how they’re used. Instead, I think it will be more fun to explore how we use different technologies.
What We Do
So what does a development team in a Radiology department do? Radiology is a medical specialty that uses medical imaging to diagnose and help treat issues within the body.
Medical imaging covers everything from X-Rays to MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) to CT (Computed Tomography) to PET (Positron Emission Tomography) scans to Ultrasound. Radiology is involved in pretty much every aspect of healthcare. Break a bone? A radiologist will read the X-ray. Have a traumatic brain injury or stroke? A radiologist will read the CT scan or look for an aneurysm (and even place the stent to fix it!). Searching for cancer cells? A radiologist will help with that too.
Radiology has long been a pioneer of technological advances in healthcare, and a lot of the focus is on improving these technologies through various means. We work closely with the informatics group to analyze large data sets. We work with medical physics to improve scanners and develop new technologies to see inside the body.
As a development team, a lot of our work is improving the workflow and efficiency of Radiologists and other staff members. We work directly with stakeholders within the department, most of them medical doctors, to create tools that will help them in the field. Because we work at a teaching hospital, we also develop tools to help foster communication and learning between med students, residents, and attending physicians.
Legacy applications
LAMP Stack
Many of our existing legacy applications are regular good ’ol LAMP stack applications. The (L)inux (A)pache (M)ysql (P)HP stack is battle-tested for sure. Most of the stuff we do is database-driven, and PHP and MySQL pair together like a fine red wine and a ribeye steak.
Some of these applications are simple web dashboards written in PHP that display relevant data from our MySQL database. For example, we’ve got one app that allows staff to view statistics about our CT scanners and filter results.
Some of our these applications are “CRUD” apps that interact with our database. CRUD stands for “Create, Read, Update, and Delete.” For example, physicians earn merit and are paid based on different achievements and activities throughout the year. We’ve developed a PHP application that allows the admin staff to enter activities throughout the year. These are then added to a database and ultimately a score is computed to help evaluate performance and compensation.
We’ve got an application to request time and see availability on a particular image scanner.
We’ve got a small application used for annual staff reviews.
These are just a few examples of our typical in-house PHP applications.
Mobile Applications
Currently we only have one mobile application, but there are plans for more down the line. It’s an iOS app to calculate Gadolinum dosages. It’s written in Swift. It is used daily in the Hospital but we aren’t currently working on new features, only on maintenance. Porting the application to Android is on our Summer road-map.
Java and Groovy Grails
Finally, we’ve got a couple of legacy applications that are built in Java and Apache’s Groovy/Grails. At this point we have stopped all active development of Java and Groovy/Grails applications outside of bug-fixes and regular maintenance. The long-term plan is to port (update and re-write) these legacy applications in our new unified tech-stack…Ruby-on-Rails.
New applications
Ultimately, the nature of our department means we get a very wide range of requests. Some ‘application’ requests are simple web-pages that have a dashboard that displays data in some database. Other requests are more involved - like a mobile app for calculating gadolinium dosages or an application that allows Residents to compare their radiology reading room preliminary examinations to an attending physician’s final exam.
Going forward, the department has decided to simplify and unify our tech stack. Ruby-on-Rails is our web framework of choice.
Why Ruby/Rails?
- Building new applications is wicked fast.
- It’s suited to rapid agile development and other modern development practices.
- Code is highly readable, which is good when trying to hire and keep talented development staff.
- Rails has a strong developer community.
- It’s open source.
(Philips)/AI Bridge Platform
Analytical Informatics (now owned by Philips) provides a centralized platform for easily working with delicate healthcare data. The Bridge platform is built on top of the Ruby-on-Rails framework (technically jRuby, but let’s not be pedantic).
By teaming up with the Philips/AI team, we can create applications that interface with HL7 (Healthcare data standard) and DICOM (imaging standard) data faster than ever.
Why is working on the Philips/AI Bridge platform so great? Here’s a couple reasons.
- Real-Time Normalized Database. We work with a lot of data from a lot of different sources. They aggregate that data, validate it, and let us access it with stupid simple queries.
- HIPAA Audit Logging. HIPAA isn’t anything to mess with. A single failure can cost your company/hospital/university millions. Writing code to log everything for future potential audits isn’t so fun either.
- Authentication. They tap into our Active Directory for Single Sign On and also allow integration with PACS and other clinical applications.
Share with others. We can tap into applications that other groups have
built on the Bridge platform and use/extend them as we need. We can also share
what we have done with others! Sharing is caring!
TL;DR - they take care of the boring stuff and let us ship apps in record time!
Ruby on Rails! In 2018?! Of course I’m sure I’ll write more on this later.
Our website is a Wordpress website that follows the conventions and uses the theming provided by the University of Wisconsin. However it is developed and supported by our dev team. Most content updates are done by the media/communication team, student employees, or specific stakeholders.
Ahha! Now we get to the fun stuff. My job as a dev/ops admin is to help
the other developers not worry about the infrastructure at all. I have to make
sure the application runs the same on our server(s) as it does on their local
development machine.
The infrastructure team at UW Health provides IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) to various teams within UW Health and the UW School of Medicine. They host all of our VMs in highly reliable, distributed data-centers that are designed for maximum uptime.
All of our servers run some flavor of Linux. Most of what we’ve got deployed right now is RHEL7/CentOS7, with some CentOS6 and Ubuntu 16.04 Server boxes in the mix.
Containerize all the things! If you don’t know what Docker or containers are - you’re really missing out. We have all of our applications “dockerized.” In practice, this means we use docker-compose to build and run the application environment.
Perhaps the best advantage to working in a Docker environment is that everything is highly portable. If it runs docker, it should be able to run your application without issue - no matter what kind of dependency hell you’ve created or what strange version of Ruby or MySQL you need to get your application working.
We use Jenkins to manage our application building and to automate deployment to development, testing, and production environments. I get to spend a good chunk of my time working with Docker and Jenkins!
Our primary database is MySQL, which works great with the web-focused tools and applications we create.
The Philips/AI database is PostgreSQL.
Everything Else
We use Nginx as a reverse proxy.
Many of our legacy applications use the Apache web server.
We support a number of login methods, including non-domain accounts and integration with UW Health’s Active Directory domain using LDAP.
Version Control
Our legacy applications are set up in Mercurial Repos using Kiln.
We use Git for current and future applications, and have a self-hosted Github Enterprise account. We also keep all of our docker/container configuration in Git. Not using Git? You should be.
And that’s just about everything. As you can see, we use a ton of different technologies and get to work on a wide range of applications. It can get a little crazy at times, but it’s awesome that we get to learn so many cool tools/technologies and see many projects through from start-to-finish. There aren’t many jobs where you get to meet with primary stakeholders and go through the entire development process from start to finish. It’s also nice knowing that the stuff we work on is being used to directly improve both patient healthcare and medical research.