Linux & Unix Command Line Essentials

When I got my first SysAdmin job (as a Student with the Center for High Throughput Computing) my Linux/Unix knowledge was passable but not great. I started to keep a list of commands I regularly used for my own education and technical improvement.

The list has grown considerably over the years. It is expressive but still succint. It is not an exhaustive list of all Linux/Unix programs and commands one should know. I do think it’s a pretty good list of essential commands you should be aware of if you want to work with Linux (as a System Administrator, Systems/DevOps Engineer, or Software Developer).

You do not have to know exactly how they work or know every --flag, but these are commands that will be very useful in maintaining a Linux/Unix system.

I migrated the list to a GitHub Gist a while back and just now made it public. Feel free to make a suggestion/contribution if you think it’s missing something.


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