What I’m Doing Right Now

Last updated Wednesday, August 14, 2024 from downtown Madison, WI.


2024 August 10: I ran the Madison Mini Marathon and finished with a time of 1:56:36.

2024 August 1-2: I attended the Madison+ Ruby 2024 Conference. It was a great experience and I will be sharing a write-up of my time shortly.


I am currently training for the 2024 Chicago Marathon, and am running 20+ miles a week but will ramp up to 40+ miles/week in my training peak about a month out from the marathon. It’s hard to get in so many miles with two young kids at home, so I usually run very early in the morning. Helps beat the heat, too!


I am currently (slowly) working on oliver - a jekyll theme to use for my personal website. I really like Jekyll, but I have very little experience with frontend web development (mainly CSS), so it’s been a good learning project.


I am reading:


This is a /now page. If you have your own site, you should make one too!